Mosquito FAQs

Mosquito Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about mosquitoes. 

  • Where Do Mosquitoes Live?

    Mosquitoes prefer living and breeding near warm-blooded mammals like humans as their food sources but also prefer being near standing, calm water because their eggs hatch into larvae and pupae that thrive in still water. While they lay their eggs in permanent or semi-permanent bodies of water like ponds, barrels, or containers that hold water, they also lay eggs in moist earth that does not drain efficiently or stormwater that stands for even a few hours. Even small containers or holes in trees that hold water after rain falls can be an ideal habitat for mosquitoes to lay eggs and grow.

  • What Do Mosquitoes Eat?

    As everyone knows, they bite humans and other animals to suck blood for food. What is not as well-known is that only the females bite animals for blood. They do so because the blood is essential to the insects’ ability to form and lay eggs to continue their life cycle. Males and females both feed on plant nectar from flowers and some types of sap. Their greatest need for food comes as they are growing in water as larvae, which points out just how important it is to control standing water which contains the algae and microscopic organisms mosquitoes need to grow into adults.

  • How Many People In The US Die Each Year From Mosquito Transmitted Diseases?

    It is well-known among medical professionals that the mosquito has been the deadliest single organism to humans in history. As recently as 2018, 830,000 people died worldwide from mosquito-borne diseases, primarily Malaria. The continental US has thankfully eliminated deaths from Malaria and most of the other diseases carried by the blood-sucking pests. However, West Nile remains a serious health threat, and in 2021 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported more than 2,695 human infections in the US, with 191 of those cases resulting in death. Mosquitoes also transmit Dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika viruses which contribute to the death total. 

  • Are Pets Susceptible To Mosquito Transmitted Diseases?

    Our furry friends are affected by several diseases carried by mosquitoes. They transmit deadly Heartworm Disease, which is the most prevalent mosquito-borne disease affecting dogs. Cats are much less affected but can contract the disease if bitten by an infected insect. The disease is caused by parasites that live in the chambers of the heart and is typically fatal if not treated. Thankfully, oral preventatives are effective against the disease. West Nile does not usually affect dogs or cats but is life-threatening to horses. Cats can also be exposed to Tularemia through bites, a bacterial disease that causes lethargy and can be fatal.

  • What Time Of Day Are Mosquitoes Most Active?

    Mosquitoes are most active in the early morning before the sun is fully up and before the ambient air temperature begins to rise.  Throughout the day, they are more active in shady areas, as direct sunlight quickly dehydrates them. They become more active again in the evening hours as the sun goes down and the air begins to cool. Studies have indicated that they are more common at nighttime when the moon is full, and winds are calm. A great strategy to prevent bites in the evening is to keep air moving through your outdoor living space with a fan.

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