
Silverfish Exterminator

a close up of a book with the number 41 on it
a close up of an open book with a worm on the spine

Silverfish Exterminator

Named for their coloration along with the squirming, fish-like way they move, silverfish are wingless, glossy silver-gray, and a pest that homeowners have had to contend with. They are probably one of the least fear-invoking insects you can come across, and a mere tap of the finger can usually kill one. They are nocturnal and are normally found in dark places like kitchen and desk drawers. You won’t find them in the fruit basket as they seem to hate the smell of oranges and lemons. 

Their diet consists of items that have multiple sugar units stuck together, making it both plentiful and unusual and includes starches and adhesives. They seek out glue, hair, paper, photographs, plaster, carpet, coffee, and natural fabrics like cotton, linen, and silk. This puts most articles of clothing in danger if silverfish have invaded. Books, especially old ones, are in danger as they are a virtual smorgasbord. The scavengers also seek out food crumbs, dead insects, and even their own molted exoskeleton in the absence of their preferred foods, as well as leather and synthetic fabrics.

They can live for over a year without eating as long as they can access water. They can also damage property like couches, chairs, and most upholstered furniture. While they don't transmit diseases, they are very bothersome pests, and can contaminate food, especially dry goods. Because of their night-moving ways and general shyness around humans, they can be difficult to spot as they skitter away to find a hiding place after realizing they've been spotted, or a light shines on them. If you do find one of these pests in shining armor in your home, it's a safe bet that there are plenty more nearby. Females can lay up to 200 eggs at a time, normally in clusters of around 50. After being laid in a crevice, piece of cloth, or debris, the nymphs hatch from 19 to 60 days later.

They also go the extra mile when finding a hiding spot for their eggs to avoid them being destroyed. Piles of debris, drawers, and clothing can end up a hidden egg-laying den. To make matters worse when one of them finds a suitable place to lay eggs, they signal others to come and do the same. After they hatch, the nymphs look just exactly like they will in adulthood, only smaller. In the next three months to three years, they become adults, going through an incredible 17-66 molts throughout their lifetimes. They can occasionally go through this skin-shedding up to 30 times in one year and are one of the very few insects that continue to do so after reaching adulthood.

These hardy annoyances prefer cool, dark environments, although they have adapted to survive in most climates. Lucky for residents of Bluffton, Hardeeville, Okatie, and the surrounding areas, Bluffton Pest Management is here to help rid you of your pest-induced headaches. From silverfish and rodents to roaches and spiders, we pride ourselves in making your home free of unwanted guests. Contact us as soon as you find one of these pests before an infestation can get hold.

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