
Spider Exterminator

a close up of a spider web with the number 47 on the bottom
a black and white photo of a spider web

Spider Exterminator

Few things are more startling than coming across a skulking spider while hanging out at home. Half the time, it seems like they sneak up on you on purpose as you unsuspectingly rummage through the closet or get comfy on your living room couch. They are especially attracted to cluttered indoor spaces, though they can also be found outdoors in woodpiles or rural mailboxes. And just because your home is free from cobwebs does not mean that there is not any lurking about. Though they are well known for spinning elaborate webs to trap prey, some use other methods that involve running down their victims or jumping on top of them from above.

Most are carnivores and have fangs made for biting. On top of that, the most dangerous species’ venom can land you in the hospital. Though a bite is rarely lethal, about six deaths a year are associated with spiders. At the very least, you will receive a painful or itchy bite. It is completely understandable for homeowners to want to banish these creepy crawlers from their homes. If you find yourself running into sticky webs or nests containing hundreds of eggs, a professional pest control company like Bluffton Pest Management is just the solution you are looking for.

South Carolina Spiders

There are 600 species found in South Carolina, and warmer temperatures have led to increased populations in public parks and private neighborhoods. Orb Weavers are commonly found year-round, with Marbled Orb Weavers present from spring through fall. The Golden Silk Orb Weaver is well known for its huge web. South Carolina’s official state spider since 2000 is the Carolina Wolf Spider, which is also the largest of its species found in the United States. Areas with lots of trees often contain Hacklemesh Weavers, and several types of Crab Spiders inhabit South Carolina backyards. The Giant Crab Spider can be found along the coast and is often mistaken for a Brown Recluse.

Though venomous, most species are harmless or merely annoying. However, South Carolina is also home to both types of medically relevant spiders in the United States. The Brown Recluse was once limited to the western border but is now found throughout the state. Their necrotizing bite can destroy soft tissue, taking months to heal or causing limb loss. Black Widows are easily recognizable thanks to their red hourglass shape featured on their abdomens. Their venom is ten times more deadly than a rattlesnake and can cause severe swelling and skin damage if left untreated. Black Widows and Brown Recluses are both fond of cardboard boxes and dark places.

Professional Pest Control In South Carolina

As arachnids with lengthy legs, spiders typically do not spend much time on the ground. Their mouths rarely touch surfaces, making over the counter pesticides often ineffective. A professional pest control company can appraise the severity of the problem and figure out what method would be best to eliminate it. At Bluffton Pest Management, we offer monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly services as well as yearly inspections. Our experts can also examine your property for spiders and other pests that you may be unaware of. Contact us today to learn more about our pest control services and how to keep your home free of creepy crawlers.

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